
Fusion fall Legacy: Adventure - Ending

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A voice soft as marshmallow echoed in Peace’s mind, tickling his skin. Although he couldn’t see or feel the environment unconsciously, the voice has led him to inner safety. His eyes slowly opened up to a pair of glasses looking at him, and behind those glasses he saw blue eyes like his. “Ah hi, I~~” A hand reached out to him and pushed him slightly back to the table he was sitting on. “Don't. You have done some pretty stupid stuff in your life, haven’t you? Like jumping into a volcano with this pesky fusion matter covering you.” Peace blushed and smiled awkwardly. “That's how I roll.”
He finally had a good view of the one taking care of him.
An old woman, hair pulled into a ponytail, wearing a dirty lab coat that covered most of her small body, and an never ending smile that reminded Peace of someone else with a consistent smile on his face: himself.
He made the connection after a moment. “Wow, hmm. May I ask a question?”
“Oh yeah, you are now in my super secret laboratory. There is no way out if you want to go back.” Peace was confused. “What? No, not that question. A personal question.”
The lab coat wearing lady leaned against the desk next to the table, interested in what the boy wanted to ask. “Shoot.”
“Did you ever… lose or give up a son?”
The woman’s jar opened. “Wow, no way this is happening right now. The answer is yes.” That was the sentence, the moment, those few seconds when letters and syllables came out of her mouth, creating a form of understandable meaning. That was the confirmation he wanted. “Yes yes yessssss yessssss!!!!” He jumped and hugged her in that moment. She immediately realised what was going on, tears streaming from her eyes. She held tightly to her son. “Yes, boy, I am your mama. Sorry if this is too much to handle. I wanted to be there with you, but they wouldn't let me.” Peace immediately pulled back, staring in confusion.
“Who's they?”
“Oh all of them; The bosses, the pals I keep around, the voices in my mind. They convinced me to make you free and happy”
Peace was even more confused than before, but it didn't mind to him, he just got his mother back!
“Mom, I have so much things to ask you! How did you meet dad? Is he dead? How did he die? What's your real name? What’s my real name?”
“Hmm double long story, and I pretty much gave up on the concept of names a long time ago, especially in your birth. Too much privilege, y’know?” she said, a strange ashamed tone in her voice.
“Oh my,” a male voice was heard in the background behind the family. Standing there was a man that was looking weak, his eyes were wide open in the second he saw Peace. “Oh hey pal, have you met my child yet? Hehe,” Peace’s mother said happily. “Honey!! Come here now!” the man shouted. From behind him, another woman entered the lab. Her jaw dropped the moment she stepped foot through the doorway. The three looked tired and unhealthy, like they haven’t had time to take care of themselves. Peace was eager to know what had been going on. “Excuse me, but can someone bring me up to speed on what, who, and why?”

“I can help you with that.” Fusion Adam’s voice was heard. There he was, holding the unconscious bodies of Rita and Lord in his fusion tentacle arms. “To be frank, I was confused being here at the first time, but a little thing has let me understand anything” Suddenly, out of Fusion Adam’s jacket, a rose appeared. The flaming rose.
“Apparently I found your mother before you did!” Fusion Adam laughed, that full of himself fusion. Finally, he got his wish. After all of the schemes, the tragedies, the betrayals, all of it has came to him holding the red as blood flaming rose. “Now, I have ultimate control, and I will use it to kill your girlfriend and the nerd!” the fusion shouted. From the darkness, a few Demolition Bears appeared behind him, and took hold of Rita and Lord. Both were beaten, defeated and weak; Rita had lost all of her senses. Gone were her cute braids. Instead, her long hair, covered in blood and fusion matter, covered her entire face. Next to her, Lord - having just come to - was looking down, straight at the floor. His Nano Megas XLR tried to hug him from behind his neck.

“That nano! I recognize it anywhere. It’s mine!” the well dressed man cried, with the woman behind him looking in total shock. “Son.” The woman started to cry. “Look at that! Our sons are friends. What a coincidence!” Peace’s mother said, completely negative of her crying.
Fusion Adam came closer to the shocked Peace, to the point where Peace could smell his breath, which he sadly did. “You know, you and I were never meant to clash. We both had our own little bubbles to live in. Until Mike. And with Mike, I realised that we both had the same approach to different goals.” Peace took a step back. “Where are you going with this?” Fusion Adam held his 00-2 arm tightly. “We both push the fusion’s to their limits. You with your arm, and me with my mind. Now we both thought that we were the ones testing the fusions, controlling them, beating them! But we got it all wrong… We were the mouses and the fusions were the scientists and the cheese!” He laughed hard. “Just look around you. This is all the doings of fusions. All the suffering was their fault. And now~~” He sent blades flying into the other fusions’ bodies, ripping them apart and releasing Peace’s friends. “And now… I want to redeem myself.” When he was free, Lord speed off to his parents and hugged them as hard as he could. Like Peace, his quest was also finished. He passed out from exhaustion, and slumped into his parents’ hold. His parents were speechless, but they shared a look of pride.

Peace pushed off Fusion Adam to the floor, furious from his statements. “How can you possibly think you are redeemable? After Mike? After Ace and Ashley? You deserve justice, not redemption,” Peace bravely said. “Go kill Fuse, if not for me then for your mother. This entire base was Fuse’s doing: the kidnapping and experimenting on parents! Go and finish all of this once and for all!” Fusion Adam demanded.
Peace looked back at his mother, who looked confused and unsettled on what was happening, but most of all she was scared.
Fusion Adam opened up a tunnel filled with fusion matter behind Peace. It would lead him to the throne. Rita, pale in the face, shook her head in disagreement at Peace. Peace observed everyone, took in their expressions and appearances, before coming to his decision. He turned and faced the tunnel, ready to go.

The tunnel was weird; the land was dry, but the walls were thick as jelly, made of fusion matter. Numbers upon numbers of different fusions could see him, Fusion Feedback, a small amount of Darkpaper Ninjas, a Junkasaurus Wreck, Shocktanglers, a freaking Bad Max whose head seemed to be opened up, a Fusion Six, Soulo Shells, Barrel Bashers, a Fusion Kevin Levin, Dynamite Mouses, and at the end of the tunnel, a Fusion Demongo stared at him angrily.
Peace reached a wall, and he shoved his mechanical hand hard into the wall. It looked like instead of climbing, he wanted to take it down. But of course, he went up.

Meanwhile, Peace’s mother helped Rita return to herself, supporting her as the two walked. She was astonished to hear the relationship the girl had with Peace, and she wanted to know more. “So, how’d my little boy meet you?” She smiled awkwardly, which in the situation they were in now, Rita understood something was not right. “You are out of your mind, I hope,” she said, getting no response from Peace’s mother. The woman simply smiled at her.. “Those fusions really did a number on the humans here,” Fusion Adam commented, which Rita did not respond to him. Instead, she opted for sending him a scathing glare.

Peace reached the top of the wall, arriving at the throne. A moment of silence has occurred as Fuse’s red glowing eyes looked directly at Peace, waiting for his move. Peace had 00-2’s gun in his robotic arm, and he pointed it up to Lord Fuse, but then immediately he dropped the gun to the ground. “A bit anti-climactic from me, I suppose. I won’t do this, I won’t fight you.”
The rest could hear him, and Rita smiled. “Villains like you die, and respawn. They always respawn. I got what I came for, and I don’t want to lose it. Peace out.” He started running back to the lab. Fuse did nothing about that.
But yet, Fusion Adam was furious. He crafted blades from his arms at the exact moment Peace entered the room. “This is the last straw,” he said and charged at Peace, cutting scratches here and there, on the hands and legs. Peace’s mother ran at him, trying to stop his menacing doings, but with no hope. Rita had her sword out, and she dodged his strikes from left and right. With a final blow, she cut Fusion Adam’s right arm off. The fusion matter spread out of him wildly. Rita stabbed him again and again, all through his body. “That’s for my parents,” she whispered, and then passed out of exhaustion too. The fusion matter tunnel behind them began to cripple, and the fusions showed signs of getting through it. Peace’s mother grabbed Rita and Lord’s parents grabbed Lord. Fusion Demongo charged at them just to get a fist to the face by Peace. Peace started giving blows to each fusion that entered. It was overwhelming, but he believed he could manage the hittings; he could not. As Peace fell to the ground, accepting his defeat, the fusions started to run away. His allies had arrived. Ace, Ashley and Trey shot their way through the fusion crowd, covered in fusion matter themselves. “Where’s Fusion Adam?!” Ace shouted.
“I love you guys, I really do,” Peace said with his eyes close at the ground, then he pointed out to Fusion Adam’s body next to Peace’s mother and the rest of the people in the lab. Ace spoke into his Nanocom. “Dexter, we found them. We found all of them.” Helicopter ropes came from the sky a moment later, and Samurai Jack, Agent Six, and Number 5 descended.
“Come quickly, we can’t hold them much longer,” Trey urged. They all went up to the sky: Peace, Rita, Lord, Trey, Ace, Ashley and of course, the parents.

A week later - 20:00 - Mike’s Grave
Peace, in uniform, came up to speak in front of his friends and family. “Mike, you didn’t deserve any of this. None of us did. You were a good, careful man, and you were taken from us too quickly. I wanted to be here to assure you that all of us, one by one, had fulfilled our missions, and in some way, it is all thanks to you. So I am glad I have met a friend like you. I really am. I’ll miss you.” And they left, for a new adventure, a better adventure...
Well... It's been a roller costar and I am happy to finally finish with it.
I hope my fanfic amused some of you while waiting for retro to come out :3 Rita appeared in the Legacy Introduction trailer so yay! Something good came out of this!
I will post screenshots of Rita and Peace in-game! And you'll have the pleasure of seeing them in a comic sooner than you think ;)
Thank you all for reading! It's been a ride. Thanks for Kyra and Ferbbat for being my main editors!!!!
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